Who is Jesus Collective?

As some of you may know, the leadership at Watermark is exploring the possibility of joining the Jesus Collective—a relational network of churches and individuals dedicated to living, sharing, and inviting others into the Jesus way.

To help you learn more about the Jesus Collective and discern thoughtfully about our potential partnership with them, we’ve provided a few resources for deeper exploration:

Jesus Collective Overview:  Learn more about the vision, values, and mission of the Jesus Collective.

The Jesus Collective is a place for followers of Jesus to unite in a Christ-centered identity to exchange resources, ideas, and support each other in taking part in God’s missions of reconciliation. We believe this is an exciting opportunity to connect with a broader network of believers while staying deeply rooted in the unique calling and culture God has given Watermark.

If you would like to discuss your thoughts with our leadership team please email governingboard@watermarktampa.com.


John 2:13-25 / Exorcising The Busy Temple