Habits for Missional Living - March
You may have heard Tommy and Leo discuss emphasizing missional living more in the coming year. For more details go to our blog post.
We have come up with 2 values to focus on this year as a church. First, Service - we value showing up for each other in service with the time and resources available to us. Second, Community - we value connection with each other, walking alongside each other and taking part in the pain and growth of each other’s lives. Every week, we will communicate with each other an emphasis on one habit for missional living that reflects one or both of these values, whether it be sharing a meal with others, educating yourself on a particular justice topic, or reaching out to someone in your life who is suffering. We are often doing this work in the half circle/missional space quietly on the individual level. We want to bring comfort and encouragement to having this conversation as openly as we talk about the other "circles" - like house churches and Sunday gatherings.
March 2025 - Plan to attend a Watermark or other local outreach volunteer event
Look at the calendar for an event to attend this month (or early next). Showing up to a volunteer event bolsters our community with needed support while deepening our understanding of local service needs. Hopefully you’ll meet someone you wouldn’t have otherwise crossed paths with. Below you will find a list of some upcoming events you can be a part of, check it out! This will be updated regularly, with links or event updates.
Watermark Outreach Events March-April 2025
Saturday, March 1st 9AM-1PM - Just Initiative Work Day
Organizing indoors and outdoors and fixing up the Free Boutique and Office areas. Painting, moving furniture, cleaning, raking/planting potted flowers are on the itinerary for the day. Come help for any time that you have available! Location: Just Initiative Boutique 1503 E 26th Ave, Tampa 33605
Tuesday, March 11th 7PM-8:30PM - Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality (HOPE) Rally.
Come listen to the issues the research committees will share regarding Housing Affordability, Mental Health, Criminal Justice Reform, and Care for Creation along with 300 other members of local churches seeking change from our local lawmakers. This event is a fabulous introduction to this organization. Location: Mt. Calvary Seventh-Day Adventist Church 4902 N 40th Street, Tampa 33610
Monday, March 17th-Friday, March 21st - Just Initiative Spring Break Field Trips.
If you have time over spring break during the day and would be interested in volunteering with the kids that participate with Just Initiative, email missions@watermarktampa.com and we will get you connected! Location: various
Tuesday, March 25th 5PM-7:30PM - Revive and Restore Community Dinner.
Come serve and eat a provided hot meal alongside the unhoused and underserved in our community. Lori Martin hosts this event with Revive and Restore the last Tuesday of each month, and we are always looking for volunteers to participate and enjoy getting to know the local community over a shared table. Location: Watermark Church 6608 N Central Ave 33604
Friday, April 4th 6:30PM-8:30PM - Timothy Initiative Stories of Hope Fundraising Dinner.
Come learn about the Timothy Initiative with speakers from within the program (addiction recovery and support), guest speakers, live music, and food from around the Tampa area. Volunteer for the event and join for free, or patronize the event for $75 per ticket. Location: the Portico
Tuesday, April 8th 6:30PM-8PM - Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality (HOPE) Nehemiah Action.
Come participate in HOPE’s largest event of the year bearing witness to the changes we are petitioning of local lawmakers and their responses live and in person. The year’s researched proposals will be stated regarding Housing Affordability, Mental Health, Criminal Justice Reform, and Care for Creation and we will ask for commitments from County Commissioners, City Councilmen, etc. for actionable changes. Location: Bible-Based Fellowship Church 4811 Ehrlich Road, Tampa 33624
Friday, April 18th 6PM-9PM - Revive and Restore Fundraising Dinner
Come support the raising of remaining funds for the Revive and Restore ministry truck. These events are known for fabulous food! Location: MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry) 4801 E Fowler Ave, Tampa 33617. Cost: $100 (kids are free and the exhibits/IMAX will be OPEN) *if you are able to go, but the cost is prohibitive, please email missions@watermarktampa.com
Sunday, April 27th 12:30PM-2PM - Immigration Rights event after church.
One of our church members is a local immigration lawyer. Come hear her discuss the basics of US Immigration rights, including information on the current implications for our local community. Lunch provided. Applicable for immigrants, friends, family members, and local allies alike. Location: Watermark Church 6608 N Central Ave 33604
Please join us at one or more local outreach event in March or April, and email us missions@watermarktampa.com with any difficulty jumping in to an event.
Or let us know about an event or organization you know about that we may not!

Lent Season Practices
How we observe Lent together at Watermark
We invite everyone to join us for our Ash Wednesday service at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5, to welcome this season communally.
Read our blog post about how the practices of Lent can bring about healing and restoration.
We offer guidance on setting a routine of prayer, fasting and almsgiving through the resources below or through direct conversation with church leadership. Email: Elders@watermarktampa.com.
Those who chose to participate can follow their decided practice from Ash Wednesday (March 5) until Easter Sunday (April 20).
We provide links to daily scripture readings/prayers of the Church that demonstrate how repentance and spiritual freedom works in the lives of people. These scriptures are read in churches around the globe during this season and will help mold your body and soul to resist the dual temptations of self-sufficiency and despair.
We invite everyone (whether you participate in Lent or not) to participate in prayer each Sunday morning before the service at 10 a.m. in the family room.
Guidance for fasting
Many traditional church cultures refrain from specific foods throughout Lent or take specific days to abstain from eating entirely. It’s important to take your health into account if you’re thinking of making a radical change to your eating habits during this season. Food is not the only appetite you can set aside for the fast - maybe digital media, political news or some other form of entertainment or distraction is preventing you from having the inner space you need to clear for God’s Spirit. Learn more about fasting from food.
Some questions to ask yourself
Where do you have the worst hunger for immediate fulfillment or fear of missing out? What do you do compulsively to either distract yourself from this fear or try to fulfill it?
Is there a mental or physical habit, a food, drink or experience that you are constantly or compulsively drawn toward? Examples: Snacks, alcohol, sugar, TV, online media.
How could your life look different if you refrained from this habit for the next six weeks?
Are there any things you feel God may be moving you to focus on that you feel you don’t have time/energy for?

WM 101 Membership Class + Catechesis
Starting Sunday, March 16th, we are hosting our annual catechesis, culminating with a baptism service on Easter Sunday. The catechesis will begin with 4 classes where we will journey through the Apostle’s Creed and learn what each element says about God and about us. The last class on April 13th will be our bi-annual membership class.
We hope these classes will empower and enrich us as we seek to better love God, emulate Christ, and discern the Spirit as the body of Christ. Although the catechesis is not a requirement for baptism, it is a standard that we hold. We invite those contemplating baptism this Easter Sunday to join as a way of preparation. Also, if you were baptized in previous years and did not attend the classes, you’re welcome to attend this year. Whether you are new to our community, or a long-time member looking for a refresher, we would love to have you in attendance.

Watermark Family Craft & Brunch
Join Us for a Family Easter Celebration at Watermark Church!
Bring your whole family for a fun and meaningful Easter event at Watermark Church! 🎉✨
🌸 Crafts – Create Easter-themed crafts together with your kids.
🥞 Brunch – Bring a dish to share and enjoy a delicious meal with your church family. To sign-up for a dish, visit here.
🥚 Egg Hunt – There will be an indoor egg hunt for the children.
Come celebrate the joy of Easter with us through fellowship and fun. We can’t wait to see you there!

Kindred Mother Culture
For all the moms who are seeking connection and camaraderie in what may seem like a lonely season of life. We meet once a month for an evening that we like to call our “Mother Culture Night”. Please join us for our Mother Culture evening, Thursday April 17th from 7PM-9PM.
What is Mother Culture?
Taking time to invest in ourselves is so important- to make sure we are being filled up so that we can go home refreshed and ready to pour into our families. This is what we call Mother Culture. If you are overwhelmed and at your wits end, let us rally around you, encourage and pray for you. If you are filled up and feeling healthy at this particular season, come ready to bless and encourage.
Are children allowed?
Our Mother Culture evenings are designed to be child free with the exception of nursing babes. We truly hope you’ll be able to join us!
Oh no- not another book to read! There is no required reading- all you have to do is come! This is not a house church or a book club. It is simply a gathering of mamas to build community and encourage one another.
Who organizes and leads this group?
While Carlen Hagenkotter is the organizer/administrator of the group, this is a group that we all take ownership of. We take turns leading, sharing our stories, pouring out our hearts, and we rotate bringing food. We have an ongoing sign up and love plugging each mama in wherever she feels led to add to the group!
Where do we meet?
We meet at the home of Laura and Joe Williams in South Tampa. Their address is 2525 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS: It may be easier to just map the location to Bayshore Presbyterian Church, since that is where you will be parking! Park along the wall- their gate is connected to the parking lot there. Go through the gate, walk along the backs of all the units until you come to her unit #2525.
For more details on what Kindred is click here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Carlen.

Easter Services & Baptism
Come and gather with us as we proclaim that God has entered into the world in a new way through Jesus, and what that means for our life together. We will have baptisms during the sunrise service for all who want to take that step, please RSVP below.
This year we will be having 2 gatherings:
Sunrise Service 7AM - weather permitting; Baptism will be during this service.
Regular Service 10:30AM
***Wee Watermark will be open at the 10:30 AM service only.
If you have already signed up to be baptized here are some things you should know:
~ Please make sure you all wear dark colored clothing since you will be getting wet and you may want to make sure you also wear a pair of comfortable pants as you will need to be stepping in and out of the baptismal pool, and the step might be a little high for shorter people.
~ There will be plenty of towels provided as well has bags for your wet clothing if you choose to change on site.
~ Before you step into the water with me, there will be a moment in case there is anything that you would like to say. Feel free to express whatever is on your heart, or something that expressing what this means to you at this point in your life. If you feel uncomfortable with talking, thats totally fine as well, just say your name and come on over.
~ All baptisms will be directly following the sunrise service.

Jesus Collective Info. Night
Watermark is considering joining the Jesus Collective, a network of churches and individuals committed to living out the Jesus way. This is an opportunity to learn more about what it means to be part of this Christ-centered movement and how it aligns with our church’s mission.
Join us for an informational meeting on Wednesday, April 23rd from 7PM-8:30PM where we’ll explore the vision, values, and distinctives of the Jesus Collective. We’ll answer questions, and discuss what this potential partnership could mean for Watermark.
We encourage you to come with an open heart and a curious mind as we discern this opportunity together. We look forward to the conversation!
If you already have some questions please feel free to submit them below, our leadership team will reply to your questions as soon as possible.
Childcare will be available, please RSVP below so we can staff the classrooms appropriately.
If you are looking for resources on what the Jesus Collective is, please click the button below.

Revive & Restore Community Meal
Our local missions partners at Revive and Restore are hosting a community meal at Watermark on Tuesday, 3/25 5pm-7pm and we are looking for volunteers! We will have a hot meal.
Clothing, blankets, and other self-care resources will be distributed to those who need them, and we will be collecting donations every Sunday at the missions wall near the piano inside the building. We invite you to please contribute new or lightly used clothing of all sizes, bags/backpacks, socks, shoes, and any self-care items.
It is a gift to be able to recognize our privileges and the responsibility to care for the people around us who are houseless and underserved. Connecting with and engaging in conversations alongside those who have been impacted by unjust systems allows us to see the ways in which we can push back against the unevenness in our society and love each other better.
Sign up to serve at this event below or email Lori with questions or feedback.

Kindred Mother Culture
For all the moms who are seeking connection and camaraderie in what may seem like a lonely season of life. We meet once a month for an evening that we like to call our “Mother Culture Night”. Please join us for our Mother Culture evening, Thursday March 13th from 7PM-9PM.
What is Mother Culture?
Taking time to invest in ourselves is so important- to make sure we are being filled up so that we can go home refreshed and ready to pour into our families. This is what we call Mother Culture. If you are overwhelmed and at your wits end, let us rally around you, encourage and pray for you. If you are filled up and feeling healthy at this particular season, come ready to bless and encourage.
Are children allowed?
Our Mother Culture evenings are designed to be child free with the exception of nursing babes. We truly hope you’ll be able to join us!
Oh no- not another book to read! There is no required reading- all you have to do is come! This is not a house church or a book club. It is simply a gathering of mamas to build community and encourage one another.
Who organizes and leads this group?
While Carlen Hagenkotter is the organizer/administrator of the group, this is a group that we all take ownership of. We take turns leading, sharing our stories, pouring out our hearts, and we rotate bringing food. We have an ongoing sign up and love plugging each mama in wherever she feels led to add to the group!
Where do we meet?
We meet at the home of Laura and Joe Williams in South Tampa. Their address is 2525 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS: It may be easier to just map the location to Bayshore Presbyterian Church, since that is where you will be parking! Park along the wall- their gate is connected to the parking lot there. Go through the gate, walk along the backs of all the units until you come to her unit #2525.
For more details on what Kindred is click here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Carlen.

Who is Jesus Collective?
As some of you may know, the leadership at Watermark is exploring the possibility of joining the Jesus Collective—a relational network of churches and individuals dedicated to living, sharing, and inviting others into the Jesus way.
To help you learn more about the Jesus Collective and discern thoughtfully about our potential partnership with them, we’ve provided a few resources for deeper exploration:
Jesus Collective Overview: Learn more about the vision, values, and mission of the Jesus Collective.
The Jesus Collective is a place for followers of Jesus to unite in a Christ-centered identity to exchange resources, ideas, and support each other in taking part in God’s missions of reconciliation. We believe this is an exciting opportunity to connect with a broader network of believers while staying deeply rooted in the unique calling and culture God has given Watermark.
If you would like to discuss your thoughts with our leadership team please email governingboard@watermarktampa.com.

Steadfast - Support and Fellowship
We are hosting a meet-up group for single parents and those who have experienced divorce or intimate partner hurt. We want our community to be a place where we support each other through difficult times. Two of our own will lead a small group discussion inviting others to share their common experiences. If you have had experience with divorce or single parenthood, please come join us.
There will be a meeting on Thursday, March 6th, 6:45pm-8:45pm in the large group room in the back of the church. If you have any questions please email steadfast@watermarktampa.com.

Ash Wednesday Service
Please join us for a special Ash Wednesday Service March 5th, at 7 p.m. in the Watermark Sanctuary as we welcome the season of Lent. Our Ash Wednesday service will include scripture readings, prayers, music and reflections to help prepare us for the 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday. Childcare Available for 5 years and under sign up below.
Since the early days of the church, the Lent Season has been a traditional time of prayer and fasting following the model of Jesus' 40 days in the desert before he started his earthly ministry. Through regular practices of prayer, fasting and generosity, the Holy Spirit has room to re-energize our body, soul and mind, giving us renewed strength to face the year ahead. You can find a blog post describing the purpose of Lent on our website, find guidance on developing your own practices or reach out to the Elders if you’d like to talk about ways to participate by emailing elders@watermarktampa.com.

Revive & Restore Community Meal
Our local missions partners at Revive and Restore are hosting a community meal at Watermark on Tuesday, 2/25 5PM-7:30PM and we are looking for volunteers! We will have a hot meal.
Clothing, blankets, and other self-care resources will be distributed to those who need them, and we will be collecting donations every Sunday at the missions wall near the piano inside the building. We invite you to please contribute new or lightly used clothing of all sizes, bags/backpacks, socks, shoes, and any self-care items.
It is a gift to be able to recognize our privileges and the responsibility to care for the people around us who are houseless and underserved. Connecting with and engaging in conversations alongside those who have been impacted by unjust systems allows us to see the ways in which we can push back against the unevenness in our society and love each other better.
Sign up to serve at this event below or email Lori with questions or feedback.

Watermark Church Work Day
Join Us for a Church Work Day!
We’re excited to invite everyone to our Church Work Day on Sunday, February 23rd, from 12:30 PM to 5:00 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community and help care for our church home. We’ll be tackling a variety of tasks, including grounds-keeping projects, spring cleaning, organizing, and decluttering.
Every bit of help makes a big difference, and you don’t need to commit to the entire day. Whether you can spare an hour or stay for the whole event, your contribution will be truly appreciated!
Plus, lunch will be provided to keep us energized and connected.
Let’s work together to make our church a welcoming and beautiful place for everyone!

Young at Heart - February Gathering
Young At Heart : Older adults in our church community who are interested in fellowship with other "mature" church-goers.
Watermark is a young and vibrant community and those in the 50 + age bracket are looking for ways to connect. Lets start with a monthly lunch gathering after service and perhaps expand our mission as we pray, fellowship and discover how we can be of service to the church, community and each other.
When: February 23rd... right after church until 1:30ish
Where : The Parsonage
What: Bring a dish to share for lunch
We will have plates, utensils, and drinks available. Please RSVP to Laurie by email.

Kindred Mother Culture
For all the moms who are seeking connection and camaraderie in what may seem like a lonely season of life. We meet once a month for an evening that we like to call our “Mother Culture Night”. Please join us for our Mother Culture evening, Thursday February 13th from 7PM-9PM.
What is Mother Culture?
Taking time to invest in ourselves is so important- to make sure we are being filled up so that we can go home refreshed and ready to pour into our families. This is what we call Mother Culture. If you are overwhelmed and at your wits end, let us rally around you, encourage and pray for you. If you are filled up and feeling healthy at this particular season, come ready to bless and encourage.
Are children allowed?
Our Mother Culture evenings are designed to be child free with the exception of nursing babes. We truly hope you’ll be able to join us!
Oh no- not another book to read! There is no required reading- all you have to do is come! This is not a house church or a book club. It is simply a gathering of mamas to build community and encourage one another.
Who organizes and leads this group?
While Carlen Hagenkotter is the organizer/administrator of the group, this is a group that we all take ownership of. We take turns leading, sharing our stories, pouring out our hearts, and we rotate bringing food. We have an ongoing sign up and love plugging each mama in wherever she feels led to add to the group!
Where do we meet?
We meet at the home of Laura and Joe Williams in South Tampa. Their address is 2525 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS: It may be easier to just map the location to Bayshore Presbyterian Church, since that is where you will be parking! Park along the wall- their gate is connected to the parking lot there. Go through the gate, walk along the backs of all the units until you come to her unit #2525.
For more details on what Kindred is click here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Carlen.

Build your own bouquet! Ladies Potluck Brunch!
Join us at Watermark Church on Saturday, February 8th, from 10:00 AM to Noon for a delightful morning of fellowship and creativity. Bring your own vase, enjoy delicious food, and craft your own beautiful bouquet!
When: Saturday, February 8th, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Where: Watermark Church, Gathering Room in the main building.
What to Bring: Your favorite vase, a $5 donation (if you can), and a dish to share.
Watermark will provide all the florals for the day. Please RSVP below let us know you're coming so we have enough materials. We can't wait to see you there for a fun and creative time together!

Steadfast - Support and Fellowship
We are hosting a meet-up group for single parents and those who have experienced divorce or intimate partner hurt. We want our community to be a place where we support each other through difficult times. Two of our own will lead a small group discussion inviting others to share their common experiences. If you have had experience with divorce or single parenthood, please come join us.
There will be a meeting on Thursday, February 6th, 6:45pm-8:45pm in the large group room in the back of the church. If you have any questions please email steadfast@watermarktampa.com.

Habits for Missional Living - February
You may have heard Tommy and Leo discuss emphasizing missional living more in the coming year. For more details go to our blog post.
We have come up with 2 values to focus on this year as a church. First, Service - we value showing up for each other in service with the time and resources available to us. Second, Community - we value connection with each other, walking alongside each other and taking part in the pain and growth of each other’s lives. Every week, we will communicate with each other an emphasis on one habit for missional living that reflects one or both of these values, whether it be sharing a meal with others, educating yourself on a particular justice topic, or reaching out to someone in your life who is suffering. We are often doing this work in the half circle/missional space quietly on the individual level. We want to bring comfort and encouragement to having this conversation as openly as we talk about the other "circles" - like house churches and Sunday gatherings.
February 2025 - Reach out to someone in your life who does justice work this month
Ask them a question about how their work is going and affirm the work they do. Familiarize yourself with their work, goals, and organization.

Revive & Restore Community Meal
Our local missions partners at Revive and Restore are hosting a community meal at Watermark on Tuesday, 1/28 5:30-8pm and we are looking for volunteers! We will have a hot meal.
Clothing, blankets, and other self-care resources will be distributed to those who need them, and we will be collecting donations every Sunday at the missions wall near the piano inside the building. We invite you to please contribute new or lightly used clothing of all sizes, bags/backpacks, socks, shoes, and any self-care items.
It is a gift to be able to recognize our privileges and the responsibility to care for the people around us who are houseless and underserved. Connecting with and engaging in conversations alongside those who have been impacted by unjust systems allows us to see the ways in which we can push back against the unevenness in our society and love each other better.
Sign up to serve at this event below or email Lori with questions or feedback.

Luncheon with missionaries The Muldoons
Global missions partners, Joy and Creagon Muldoon, will be coming to the church during their visit to the United States this month, on January 26.
We will host a lunch in the parsonage to get to hear from them and their work in Bali. Whether you have heard them share updates in the past, supported their work, or would like to get to know more about them, please come join us for lunch on Sunday the 26th at 12:30 in the parsonage.
RSVP below for lunch so we have a head count. Email missions@watermarktampa.com with any questions.

Kindred Mother Culture
For all the moms who are seeking connection and camaraderie in what may seem like a lonely season of life. We meet once a month for an evening that we like to call our “Mother Culture Night”. Please join us for our Mother Culture evening, Thursday January 16th from 7PM-9PM.
What is Mother Culture?
Taking time to invest in ourselves is so important- to make sure we are being filled up so that we can go home refreshed and ready to pour into our families. This is what we call Mother Culture. If you are overwhelmed and at your wits end, let us rally around you, encourage and pray for you. If you are filled up and feeling healthy at this particular season, come ready to bless and encourage.
Are children allowed?
Our Mother Culture evenings are designed to be child free with the exception of nursing babes. We truly hope you’ll be able to join us!
Oh no- not another book to read! There is no required reading- all you have to do is come! This is not a house church or a book club. It is simply a gathering of mamas to build community and encourage one another.
Who organizes and leads this group?
While Carlen Hagenkotter is the organizer/administrator of the group, this is a group that we all take ownership of. We take turns leading, sharing our stories, pouring out our hearts, and we rotate bringing food. We have an ongoing sign up and love plugging each mama in wherever she feels led to add to the group!
Where do we meet?
We meet at the home of Laura and Joe Williams in South Tampa. Their address is 2525 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS: It may be easier to just map the location to Bayshore Presbyterian Church, since that is where you will be parking! Park along the wall- their gate is connected to the parking lot there. Go through the gate, walk along the backs of all the units until you come to her unit #2525.
For more details on what Kindred is click here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Carlen.

House Church Spring Launch
House Churches are kicking off the spring season in the coming weeks. On Sunday, January 12th, our House Church hosts will be present after the service to talk about their groups and when they’re meeting.
House Churches are the central way to connect with our church community by listening to each other and sharing life with others around the table.
You can learn more about all our house churches on the Watermark website and there’s a map of all our groups in the church lobby.
If you have any questions, please email hcleadership@watermarktampa.com.

Steadfast - Support and Fellowship
We are hosting a meet-up group for single parents and those who have experienced divorce or intimate partner hurt. We want our community to be a place where we support each other through difficult times. Two of our own will lead a small group discussion inviting others to share their common experiences. If you have had experience with divorce or single parenthood, please come join us.
There will be a meeting on Thursday, January 9th, 6:45pm-8:45pm in the large group room in the back of the church. If you have any questions please email steadfast@watermarktampa.com.

Habits for Missional Living - January
You may have heard Tommy and Leo discuss emphasizing missional living more in the coming year. For more details go to our blog post.
We have come up with 2 values to focus on this year as a church. First, Service - we value showing up for each other in service with the time and resources available to us. Second, Community - we value connection with each other, walking alongside each other and taking part in the pain and growth of each other’s lives. Every week, we will communicate with each other an emphasis on one habit for missional living that reflects one or both of these values, whether it be sharing a meal with others, educating yourself on a particular justice topic, or reaching out to someone in your life who is suffering. We are often doing this work in the half circle/missional space quietly on the individual level. We want to bring comfort and encouragement to having this conversation as openly as we talk about the other "circles" - like house churches and Sunday gatherings.
January 2025 - Communicate encouragement and affirmation for the joys being experienced in the lives of those around you
Pursue a conversation with someone in your life each week this month, at least one who is outside your church community. Encourage and affirm their growth or successes. This practice seeks to cultivate a true inner joy for something good happening in the life of another, intentionally recognizing the temptation for comparison to our own lives or centering ourselves.
Here’s how we’re practicing it, but feel free to deviate:
Week 1 - family member
Week 2 - coworker/outside extracurricular environment
Week 3 - someone in church community
Week 4- friend
We’ll start the conversation about something we know they do well, or ask about any wins or excitement they have coming up for their new year ahead and celebrate with or encourage them.

Revive & Restore Community Meal
Our local missions partners at Revive and Restore are hosting a community meal at Watermark on Tuesday, 12/31 5:30-8pm and we are looking for volunteers! We will have a hot meal.
Clothing, blankets, and other self-care resources will be distributed to those who need them, and we will be collecting donations every Sunday at the missions wall near the piano inside the building. We invite you to please contribute new or lightly used clothing of all sizes, bags/backpacks, socks, shoes, and any self-care items.
It is a gift to be able to recognize our privileges and the responsibility to care for the people around us who are houseless and underserved. Connecting with and engaging in conversations alongside those who have been impacted by unjust systems allows us to see the ways in which we can push back against the unevenness in our society and love each other better.
Sign up to serve at this event below or email Lori with questions or feedback.

No Sunday Service
We will not be having service Sunday, December 29th, 2024. Please enjoy the holiday weekend with your friends and family.

Watermark Christmas Service
This year our Christmas Service will be held on Sunday, December 22nd at 6PM. Please invite your friends and family for our Christmas Candlelight Service. We would love to welcome them to Watermark.
We would also like to have some time before and after service to share some holiday treats. Please bring some of your favorite sweet or salty snacks to share with our community. We’re looking forward to celebrating Christmas with you!
We will not be having any morning services this day.
Please note this is a family service & we will not be offering childcare.

Kindred Mother Culture
Please join us for our 6th annual Mother Culture Christmas gathering!
Even if you haven’t come before, please join us- we really have SUCH a blast at our Christmas party! We ask that everyone please bring a holiday dish to pass and a $10-$15 white elephant gift to participate in our yearly Christmas gift exchange. Feel free to get dolled up in celebration of the season, but please don't let it keep you from coming if you're not feeling “dressy” that night. We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating the season together!!
For all the moms who are seeking connection and camaraderie in what may seem like a lonely season of life. We meet once a month for an evening that we like to call our “Mother Culture Night”. Please join us for our Mother Culture evening, Thursday December 12th from 7PM-9PM.
What is Mother Culture?
Taking time to invest in ourselves is so important- to make sure we are being filled up so that we can go home refreshed and ready to pour into our families. This is what we call Mother Culture. If you are overwhelmed and at your wits end, let us rally around you, encourage and pray for you. If you are filled up and feeling healthy at this particular season, come ready to bless and encourage.
Are children allowed?
Our Mother Culture evenings are designed to be child free with the exception of nursing babes. We truly hope you’ll be able to join us!
Oh no- not another book to read! There is no required reading- all you have to do is come! This is not a house church or a book club. It is simply a gathering of mamas to build community and encourage one another.
Who organizes and leads this group?
While Carlen Hagenkotter is the organizer/administrator of the group, this is a group that we all take ownership of. We take turns leading, sharing our stories, pouring out our hearts, and we rotate bringing food. We have an ongoing sign up and love plugging each mama in wherever she feels led to add to the group!
Where do we meet?
We meet at the home of Laura and Joe Williams in South Tampa. Their address is 2525 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS: It may be easier to just map the location to Bayshore Presbyterian Church, since that is where you will be parking! Park along the wall- their gate is connected to the parking lot there. Go through the gate, walk along the backs of all the units until you come to her unit #2525.
For more details on what Kindred is click here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Carlen.

Christmas Toy Drive with Finally Home
Finally Home serves foster families, single parent homes, relative caregivers, and special needs adoptive homes. We received wishlists for 10 children to sponsor as a church for Christmas this year, and each child has a wishlist of 3 gift items.
The wishlist cards are hung on the Christmas tree in the lobby. Sponsor a child with all three gifts, or collaborate with your friends and house church to go in on 3 gifts together.
The deadline is December 8 (TWO WEEKS AWAY!) to obtain and bring back the unwrapped gifts.
Please sign up below so we can keep track of which children are taken care of, as of Sunday 11/24 all cards have been picked up.
If you have any questions please email missions@watermarktampa.com.

Young at Heart - December Gathering
Young At Heart : Older adults in our church community who are interested in fellowship with other "mature" church-goers.
Watermark is a young and vibrant community and those in the 50 + age bracket are looking for ways to connect. Lets start with a monthly lunch gathering after service and perhaps expand our mission as we pray, fellowship and discover how we can be of service to the church, community and each other.
When: December 8th... right after church until 1:30ish
Where : The Parsonage
What: Bring a dish to share for lunch
We will have plates, utensils, and drinks available. Please RSVP to Laurie by email.

Steadfast - Support and Fellowship
We are hosting a meet-up group for single parents and those who have experienced divorce or intimate partner hurt. We want our community to be a place where we support each other through difficult times. Two of our own will lead a small group discussion inviting others to share their common experiences. If you have had experience with divorce or single parenthood, please come join us.
There will be a meeting on Thursday, December 5th, 6:45pm-8:45pm in the large group room in the back of the church. Childcare for any age will be provided. If you have any questions please email missions@watermarktampa.com.

Revive & Restore Community Meal
Our local missions partners at Revive and Restore are hosting a community meal at Watermark on Tuesday, 11/26 5:30-8pm and we are looking for volunteers! We will have a hot meal.
Clothing, blankets, and other self-care resources will be distributed to those who need them, and we will be collecting donations every Sunday at the missions wall near the piano inside the building. We invite you to please contribute new or lightly used clothing of all sizes, bags/backpacks, socks, shoes, and any self-care items.
It is a gift to be able to recognize our privileges and the responsibility to care for the people around us who are houseless and underserved. Connecting with and engaging in conversations alongside those who have been impacted by unjust systems allows us to see the ways in which we can push back against the unevenness in our society and love each other better.
Sign up to serve at this event below or email Lori with questions or feedback.

Fall Picnic & Chili Cook-Off!
Get ready for a fantastic time at our first ever Fall Picnic and Chili Cook-Off, happening right after service on November 17th! We will be grilling hot dogs, making crafts, and playing on the bounce houses in the (hopefully) beautiful November weather. We are also hosting a CHILI COOK-OFF! If you’d like to participate, use the form below to sign up! This is a competition, so each chili will be judged by our panel of volunteers. If chili isn’t your thing and you’d like to contribute something to the food table, we’d love to see some beautiful autumn-themed desserts! Bake your best pie or cookies, or just grab something from the store. We are very excited to host this event after our Trunk or Treat was canceled due to the October hurricanes. We hope to see you there!

Kindred Mother Culture
For all the moms who are seeking connection and camaraderie in what may seem like a lonely season of life. We meet once a month for an evening that we like to call our “Mother Culture Night”. Please join us for our Mother Culture evening, Thursday November 14th from 7PM-9PM.
What is Mother Culture?
Taking time to invest in ourselves is so important- to make sure we are being filled up so that we can go home refreshed and ready to pour into our families. This is what we call Mother Culture. If you are overwhelmed and at your wits end, let us rally around you, encourage and pray for you. If you are filled up and feeling healthy at this particular season, come ready to bless and encourage.
Are children allowed?
Our Mother Culture evenings are designed to be child free with the exception of nursing babes. We truly hope you’ll be able to join us!
Oh no- not another book to read! There is no required reading- all you have to do is come! This is not a house church or a book club. It is simply a gathering of mamas to build community and encourage one another.
Who organizes and leads this group?
While Carlen Hagenkotter is the organizer/administrator of the group, this is a group that we all take ownership of. We take turns leading, sharing our stories, pouring out our hearts, and we rotate bringing food. We have an ongoing sign up and love plugging each mama in wherever she feels led to add to the group!
Where do we meet?
We meet at the home of Laura and Joe Williams in South Tampa. Their address is 2525 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS: It may be easier to just map the location to Bayshore Presbyterian Church, since that is where you will be parking! Park along the wall- their gate is connected to the parking lot there. Go through the gate, walk along the backs of all the units until you come to her unit #2525.
For more details on what Kindred is click here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Carlen.

Steadfast - Support and Fellowship
We are hosting a meet-up group for single parents and those who have experienced divorce or intimate partner hurt. We want our community to be a place where we support each other through difficult times. Two of our own will lead a small group discussion inviting others to share their common experiences. If you have had experience with divorce or single parenthood, please come join us.
There will be a meeting on Thursday, November 7th, 6:45pm-8:45pm in the large group room in the back of the church. Childcare for any age will be provided. If you have any questions please email missions@watermarktampa.com.

Trunk or Treat! - CANCELLED
🎃👻 Trunk or Treat at Watermark Church – October 26th! 👻🎃
Come celebrate Halloween with us at our annual Trunk or Treat event on October 26th, from 4 to 7 pm! Enjoy a delightful evening of candy, costumes, and community spirit as you stroll through our festive parking lot filled with creatively decorated trunks. We’ll be serving up delicious hot dogs and popcorn to keep you fueled for all the fun! We’re also looking for volunteers to help make this event a success—your support is greatly appreciated! To view the volunteer opportunities or sign up for a trunk, please click the Sign Up Genius link below.
Can’t host a trunk or volunteer but still want to help? We are accepting candy donations! Visit our Amazon wishlist to send your donation directly to the church, or feel free to bring someone in any Sunday before the 26th!
Bring your family, put on your best costumes, and join us for a fantastic time. See you there! 🍬🌭🚗