For all the moms who are seeking connection and camaraderie in what may seem like a lonely season of life. We meet once a month for an evening that we like to call our “Mother Culture Night”. Please join us for our Mother Culture evening, Thursday April 10th from 7PM-9PM.
What is Mother Culture?
Taking time to invest in ourselves is so important- to make sure we are being filled up so that we can go home refreshed and ready to pour into our families. This is what we call Mother Culture. If you are overwhelmed and at your wits end, let us rally around you, encourage and pray for you. If you are filled up and feeling healthy at this particular season, come ready to bless and encourage.
Are children allowed?
Our Mother Culture evenings are designed to be child free with the exception of nursing babes. We truly hope you’ll be able to join us!
Oh no- not another book to read! There is no required reading- all you have to do is come! This is not a house church or a book club. It is simply a gathering of mamas to build community and encourage one another.
Who organizes and leads this group?
While Carlen Hagenkotter is the organizer/administrator of the group, this is a group that we all take ownership of. We take turns leading, sharing our stories, pouring out our hearts, and we rotate bringing food. We have an ongoing sign up and love plugging each mama in wherever she feels led to add to the group!
Where do we meet?
We meet at the home of Laura and Joe Williams in South Tampa. Their address is 2525 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS: It may be easier to just map the location to Bayshore Presbyterian Church, since that is where you will be parking! Park along the wall- their gate is connected to the parking lot there. Go through the gate, walk along the backs of all the units until you come to her unit #2525.
For more details on what Kindred is click here.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Carlen.