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Wee Watermark Promotion Sunday

With the start of the school year, some of our elementary kids will be moving classrooms! Because we combine grades in Wee Watermark, not everyone will move up so make sure you are selecting the correct room when checking your children in on August 11th. There has been some confusion in the past about the 4-5 year old class and the kindergarten class—if you have a 5 year old who is starting kindergarten this year then they will move up to Red Room (K-1st)! If your 5 year old is still in preschool, they will remain in the Green Room (4-5yrs). If you need help please ask a Lead at check in. :)

After service, we will have popsicles under the awning near the playground to celebrate! We hope you can join us.

August 1

Steadfast - Support and Fellowship

August 11

Young at Heart - August Gathering